Vue.js vs Angular

May 20, 2022

Vue.js vs Angular: The Ultimate Comparison

Web development is at its apex in the tech world, and staying atop of the industry giants can be back-breaking. As we know, the two major frameworks dominating the market are Angular and Vue.js. It's no secret that choosing between them can be very tricky and can heavily rely on personal preference. In this post, we will dive into the technical aspects of both frameworks and provide an unbiased opinion based on numbers, research, and insights.


We'll start by analyzing the popularity of both frameworks, which is an essential aspect when choosing a technology stack. According to GitHub's 2021 State of the Octoverse report, Angular has approximately 3 million repositories, while Vue.js has around 330,000. But keep in mind that these numbers do not always equal reliability, as GitHub has an enormous repository of samples and prototypes.

Learning Curve

After popularity, the learning curve comes into the picture while choosing a framework. Angular, being a full-fledged framework, has a higher learning curve, as developers need to familiarize themselves with various Angular concepts like components, templates, services, and pipes. On the other hand, Vue.js is more lightweight and easier to learn, especially for those already familiar with HTML and JavaScript. In addition, Vue's gradual adoption method allows developers to integrate Vue into existing templates, mitigating the need for a full rewrite of their applications.


When it comes to performance, both frameworks are known for their 'quick-and-easy' implementations, but that doesn't mean they are equal in performance. To test the performance of these frameworks, we can refer to the TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks, which benchmark the frameworks by their speed in various scenarios. In their recent 2021 benchmarks, Angular was ranked 277th, while Vue.js was ranked 223rd in the plaintext test. Keep in mind that performance benchmarks may differ as they depend heavily on the scenario and use case.

Community Support

Last but not least, community support plays an enormous role in choosing a framework. Both Angular and Vue.js have extensive documentation, which makes learning and understanding them much easier. They also provide community support in the form of forums, chat groups, and blog posts. As for the community's size, Angular and Vue.js have an active and supportive developer community. In a StackOverflow survey done in 2021, Angular was ranked the third most popular JavaScript framework, followed closely by Vue.js in fourth.


To conclude, both Angular and Vue.js have their unique features, advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the right one entirely depends on the project's needs, developer experience, and preferences. Both offer excellent documentation, strong community support, and solutions to the challenges developers face while building web applications. Hence, it's essential to assess your project's requirements and choose the one that's the best fit.



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